Apex ping test

Apex Ping Test

Here are the server pings of the new Apex Legends Battle Royale game based on Titanfall but is not actually anything like Titanfall

An "Apex Ping Test" is a crucial tool for players of Apex Legends, a popular battle royale game. Ping refers to the latency between a player's client and the game server, measured in milliseconds (ms). A lower ping generally indicates a more responsive and smoother gaming experience, which is essential for a fast-paced game like Apex Legends.

In Apex Legends, a good ping is typically considered to be below 50 ms. Pings in the range of 50-100 ms are still manageable, but players may start noticing slight delays or "lag." Pings above 100 ms can significantly impact gameplay, leading to delayed reactions and issues with registering actions, such as shooting or movement. This can put players at a competitive disadvantage, especially in high-stakes situations.

To conduct an Apex Ping Test, players can use in-game settings or external tools to check their latency. This test helps identify the best server to connect to, ensuring optimal performance. Regularly testing ping can help players troubleshoot issues, such as connection problems or server instability, and make adjustments to their network setup for an improved gaming experience. If you want to check your connection in general try our new Ping test.

Game Servers

  • Sydney : ( Oceania ) Loading...
  • Singapore : ( Asia South East ) Loading...
  • Tokyo : ( Japan ) Loading...
  • London, UK : ( Europe West ) Loading...
  • Frankfurt, Germany : ( Europe West ) Loading...
  • Brazil : ( South America ) Loading...
  • USA : ( Ohio ) Loading...
  • USA : ( Oregon ) Loading...
  • USA : ( Virginia ) Loading...